A very important part of our business is making sure that all guests feel comfortable and have what they need for a great stay. Often people (espeically if on business) forget some essentials, and it is important that you supply them with good quality products.
We have always tried to get the best possible soaps (non-allergenic and yet not toally frangrance free!). Recently we got really lucky, and found a supplier locally of some lovely Aloe Vera products for the guest house industry. We have invested in the larger pumps for the luxury rooms and a "slightly frangranced"well balanced soap. So far the feed-back has been positive to our new products - which we have also made personal with our own labels.
At Edenwood we try to think of everything, and have this policy that if we get asked for anything and we do not have it - we never have to be asked again!
If there is anything you need whilst staying here please do not hesitate to ask us - from shoe shine and toothpaste/brushes - to razors and even headache tablets!